Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Truth about OPKs

I'll be totally honest in telling you that I have gained a significant amount of knowledge, while trying to have a baby.   Most of it has come only in the last year, when I really started to track cycles, test with ovulation predictors and keep track of other signs and symptoms.

One of the things I learned about the OPKs?   A positive result doesn't mean you WILL ovulate.
I thought it meant that you were or you would.    Evidently, our bodies have a surge of LH (the luteinizing hormone) a day or two before we SHOULD ovulate.  Some women will get a positive and not ovulate at all.   How did I not know that?
So, the OPK is just sort of a guide, as to when we should expect to ovulate.  I mean it's still a great tool to have!   Because I know, when I got my positives last year, I always acted on it!    I bet that's when I got pregnant.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

So far so good?

I'm on my 8th day of Pregnitude, and so far, I haven't really felt any side effects from it.  I've been taking it as directed, in an 8 oz glass of water, twice daily.    The only thing that I can report is that I have noticed my hunger alarm has been a little quieter since I started taking it.   Sometimes, I wonder if it's all in my head, but either way, it's a good thing.   I think maybe this stuff really does work in the way that it helps with the insulin resistance, balancing, etc.    I read that some women have lost weight on Pregnitude, so I'd love to be one of those stories.   Although, I'd rather be the success story of getting pregnant!

I'm still taking my prenatal every day, with the Pregnitude.  I've also been researching various other vitamins, because I want to make sure that I'm getting everything I need, out of this prenatal.   I have to take my age into consideration, when looking for a good vitamin, because I know there are some out there that are touted to be helpful with egg quality too.

I'm so glad that I joined a Facebook group with others who have tried this as well.   It's nice to be able to talk to and seek support from women who are on the same journey.  So little is discussed when it comes to PCOS, so I'm glad to be among others who can truly understand the struggle.

Friday, July 24, 2015

A pregnitude attitude

In the beginning, after our loss, I was so scared to start trying again.  Not because I'd end up pregnant; because I was afraid we'd end up with another ectopic or just another loss in general.
I still don't ovulate on my own, so I've been looking to find ways to bring about regular cycles and therefore, ovulation, NATURALLY.  
Just a few weeks ago, it seemed that PregPrep took the internet by storm.   It sounded like a real deal and I was eager to find out more! (even my husband mentioned it to me) He'd seen it on the news or something.
So,  I did some research and it really does sound like a great product.  Lots of success stories.
BUT, after I read their documented studies, on the website, it seemed that it just might not be the perfect solution for ME.   A lot of what I read, implied that PregPrep was successful, when used in conjunction with another medication.  Like Clomid, and  I wasn't willing to delve into that again.
So, I kept looking......
This is when I found Pregnitude.    I don't want to take any meds or start fertility treatments, so I did my research and I'm feeling good about this.   (if you don't want to click the link and open a window - this is the gist on it.
Pregnitude is a reproductive support dietary supplement for women that helps support ovulatory function, menstrual cyclicity and quality of eggs.  Pregnitude contains 2000mg of myo-inositol, as well as 200mcg of folic acid. 
So it's basically like taking a vitamin.

I'm hoping that it makes a world of difference!    After my ectopic surgery, I had normal periods in February, March and April.   We started being active again in May, and I skipped that month's period.  June was a little sketchy and I finally got it, in the middle of the month.  Now, we're at July, and no sign of a period.  Yet.

Today is only my 3rd day of Pregnitude  - But I plan to post updates on the goings on with it.

If you have a success story with it, or even some negative feedback, let me know.  I'm curious to hear from others who have tried it.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Not so much the beginning...but.....

I created this blog, last year, right after I started Clomid.  I think I had high hopes and felt that my time was coming.     Even though, I had been trying to have a baby for years, it was only last year that I publicly talked about my struggles and journey.  When I finally, did, it actually felt good to get it out there, in the open.   I met so many other women who were in the same situation of trying unsuccessfully and going through all of those crazy emotions that came with it.

But, then things happened so fast, I never got back here to update or keep a journal.

I'm firing it back up today - and I'm going to make a promise to myself, that I'll post regularly.
Please follow along if you wish - and share your thoughts and experiences too!
If you want to be notified of daily posts, just subscribe by email and you'll be automatically notified when a new post is in.  And if you're here by way of the TTC community, good luck and baby dust to you!