No, it really doesn't. But it feels like it sometimes. Back in November, I really thought we were getting started on the road we long anticipated, when it came to having a child. FINALLY.
So, on the 23rd, we visited with a fertility specialist, at a highly recommended facility, in our area. Our first visit was pretty in depth, we covered my history of reproductive issues, my inability to conceive, the Clomid success we had, my ectopic pregnancy, and the rupture that followed.
The doctor was a bit older, (in fact, he'd been a coworker's recommendation, as he was HER doctor when she had her son, 23 years ago! BUT, he has a lot of knowledge and feathers in his cap, when it comes to reproductive endocrinology and fertility. So I was pretty pleased going there, knowing the backgrounds and reputations of the doctors in the practice.
Dr S had a few labs drawn while I was there, and he sent an order for additional draws to Labcorp. In the office, he drew blood for my LH, FSH, and Estradiol.
At LabCorp, I got more bloodwork, with my lipids, glucose, a1c,
thyroid cascade panel, and my
AMH level. Fortunately, I'm able to view my results online, with Labcorp, but not with the labs that were done in the office that night. I really don't know what any of it means, other than the 'flags' I can see for highs and lows, and the normal ranges that are provided, as a guideline. I wish I knew what my Estradiol, FSH and LH were... but I guess that will be discussed at our next visit.
He wants to have an ultrasound done (transvaginal)... and an HSG, on my right tube. BUT, since I was bleeding at that visit (and still am), we're kind of just waiting on my body to cooperate, so we can move ahead with that testing. I called last week to see what he might suggest, since I'm still bleeding (menstruating?) ... But he was on vacation so I'll expect a call this coming week. Of all the labs that I had done, I really only have been focusing on one of them, and that was the AMH (anti-mullerian hormone). My result was .915 and if I am reading the charts correctly, online, that result is a low-normal? For a 39 year old? If you have any input to this, I'd appreciate the feedback. I do know that it measures my egg reserve ... so that's a little discouraging but I'm trying not to jump to conclusions until I hear what Dr. S has to say. I know he was honest with me, and wanted to see if I was headed into menopause.
I do feel like he covered a lot of ground with the labs he ordered, so that does make me feel comfortable, in that he is interested in really seeing the story that my body is telling. At the time we met, he suggested that IVF, he felt, was an "express" option for me, but he didn't feel that it was necessary yet. Having already had a pregnancy, (albeit ectopic), he felt that we could start with other avenues first, and maybe my case wasn't so complicated. I asked him if he thought I could try the Clomid route again, if all looked fine, (as far as my remaining tube, etc)... and he didn't reject the idea. Of course, my husband and I, just like the doctor, want to know where I stand, physically, first. I know this could be a long, painful road, but I'm hoping it's not too bad. At least, now that I'm seeing a specialist, I feel like we've already taken a big step in the right direction.