Monday, January 25, 2016

Handmade with love

So the other day, I was talking to one of my great friends at work about the fertility Hope Chest ideas.  (I mentioned the Hope chest in my previous post)
This friend and I have had a lot of heart to hearts at work, about almost everything.  Whether it was my life, her life, or just our usual Faith ponderings.
 We believe in a lot of the same things and we're always in agreeance that we should be thanking God for even the things that we don't yet have but that we believe are coming.  
In fact, truth be told, she actually instilled that in me.

I was telling my friend how I had considered just 'going for it' and putting little items in the Hope Chest.   She was really encouraging, as always, and suggested it was a good way to "put it out there".
As in, putting my Hopes and my Faith front and center &  believing what was going to happen and not what just might happen.

The very next morning, I came into work, and on my desk was a little bag with a post it note.
 I couldn't believe what I was seeing; I was so touched I couldn't even stop smiling.
This beautifully knit little sweater that my friend handmade for me!
I can't even explain how much I was moved by this and how grateful I was.
What a wonderful friend I have in her.  So encouraging and supportive of me.  
She really gave me the little push I needed, to do this with the Hope chest.

I brought it home and couldn't wait to show Jeff!
He and I both went into the back room, where the chest sits, and he opened the lid so I could place this beautiful gift inside.   It felt like we had really taken a big step toward something and I feel that putting this little sweater in there, really gave me the Hope that I might not have been conjuring up previously.

It was almost like I planted a seed of HOPE in that chest.  As if I were handing it off to God on the other side, saying here you go, this is my first Faith Deposit!  I believe!

Image result for put it in the universe

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