Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Enter the Giveaway!

* If you haven't already, please read the post below this one and watch the quick intro video, for some important information, BEFORE you enter the giveaway*    

Please only enter if you have PCOS and are struggling to get pregnant.

 I really want to see these supplements go to someone who can and will use them.    There are guidelines to follow, when it comes to medications/supplements you are already taking, and I have outlined it very briefly in the video below.    Please DO NOT enter until you have taken a peek at it.   

**If you are already taking medication(s) for any pre-existing condition and/or are taking an anti-depressant, anti-anxiety medication, you MUST consult with your physician BEFORE taking any of these supplements**  

 These are the 3 supplements that I am giving away, and a shorty description on each of them, if you are not familiar with the FairHaven Health products.   Each of the product names in bold red, are live links, so you can click it to visit the product info directly on the Fairhaven Health website.

FertilAiddoctor-approved, ObGyn-recommended fertility supplements designed to enhance fertility and improve reproductive health. Designed by leading fertility expert, Dr. Amos Grunebaum, FertilAid is the top-selling natural fertility supplement in the United States.    With all-natural, non-prescription formulas that unite scientifically-validated herbal ingredients and essential vitamins, FertilAid is designed to promote reproductive wellness, support fertility and optimize your chances to conceive 

OvaboostOvaBoost is an all-natural dietary supplement that contains acombination of vitamins and antioxidants including myo-inositol, folate, melatonin, coenzyme Q10, vitamin E, grapeseed extract and alpha-lipoic acid, which have been scientifically demonstrated to help improve egg health and optimize ovarian function. Ladies, the good news is that you can increase your egg quality!

Myo-inositol may be especially helpful for women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).  While the cause of PCOS is not fully understood, hormonal imbalances seem to play a big role in the onset of symptoms.  By helping your body use insulin effectively, myo-inositol helps to promote hormone balance and ovarian function.

If you have any questions, please ask me.  If they are product related, I will get the answers for you or you can visit the Fairhaven Health website.  I have confirmed that all 3 of these supplements can be used together.    Enter the giveaway in the box below!   I will pick a winner on Sunday evening.    Feel free to share! 


  1. This pcos trc journey has been rough. 3mc's and a loss at 19wks2days back in November. We've been trying ever since and have had no luck. Money has been tight to buy anything such as these items. I just want to see two lines. Watch my belly grow,my baby move,give birth and hold him/her and give he/she all of the love I can give. Every month af shows gets more and more depressing. I'd give anything to have my rainbow baby.

    1. Thanks Miranda! I just tried to comment on your THANK YOU, on the Facebook group, but it appears that the giveaway was deleted there.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Apparently, I didn't "follow the guidelines".. Honestly, I don't need that petty crap on there. The "admins" that think they are executives of a HUGE corporation somewhere. They make these "rules" and then dictate there. Who needs that? I was there for support and fellowship with other women in my shoes and I had nothing to gain from giving away something. The one who messaged me said that I was given the product because it was going to be mentioned on my blog. Well, duh. : ) I totally planned to buy them outright but then I saw an opportunity to try them for free, if I was a blogger with a blog that pertained to their products. Who wouldn't do that? Anyhoo, THANKS for appreciating my efforts. : )

    2. I agree. There is always a new rule. You wasn't selling them. You are giving one of us lucky ladies a chance to win these products. Sometimes they drive me nuts tbh lol.

    3. Hi Miranda,
      I had a quick question - and I can't message you on Facebook. Can you send me a message? I'm in the 3Ps group.

  3. Is it Sunday yet lol. 3 more days to go!!

    1. I'm in the 3Ps group. Drawing ends at midnight tonight. Winner will be posted by 9 am tomorrow. (Eastern time)


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